Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
" Jame'ae Al-Tafaseer" As A Book of Narration& Knowledge, Compilationa&Study.Surat Al-Emran,verses 93-112
جامع التفاسير: رواية ودراية، جمع ودراسة، الآيات (۹۳-۱۱۲ ) من سورة آل عمران
Subject : " Jame'ae Al-Tafaseer" As A Book of Narration& Knowledge, Compilationa&Study.Surat Al-Emran,verses 93-112 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings of Allah b e upon His Prophet,Mohammad, his family, and his companions.There is no doubt that the Quran is the Book of Allah and the everlasting miracle till the Day of Judgement. It is the most glorified and the most useful of all sciences.Therefore, I have decided to contribute to this project that serves the Book of Allah and go deeper into understanding its sciences. The Objectives: To identify the sources of the Quran's exegesis (explanation ) and the methods of commentators, wiaath an attempt to combine the commentators' statements and the practical application of the courses of the academic year, in addition to the employment of all efforts in order to produce an encyclopaedia of explanations that adopts a solid scientific method. The Plan: To compile all texts of explanation from highly-regarded printed books of exegesis,arranged in a historical order (presenting the preceding books followed by the subsequent ones).To benefit from the commentators' statements and sayings in the process of criticizing and outweighing in the event of disagreements among commentators ,taking into consideration the rules of preference.To provide documentation of the Hadith ,and the tradition or sayings of the companions ,stating their degree of authentication, or their lack of it if otherwise.To avoid mentioning the juristic, theological,philosophical or semantic digressions.To introduce , briefly, the biography of the scholars when first mentioned in the research . The research includes an introduction,seven chapters,and a conclusion.Chapter One: Refuting the Jews' claims regarding the prohibition of some foods(verses 93- 94). This chapter includes two sections.Chapter Two: Commanding the following of Abraham's religion (verses 95,96,97). It includes two sections.Chapter Three: Stating the errors of the People of the Scripture(verses 98,99,100,101). It includes two sections.Chapter Four: Calling for the fear of Allah (verses102,103). This chapter comprises two sections.Chapter Five: The enjoined duty of inviting to all that is good(verses 103,104). It comprises two sections.Chapter Six: Allah's warning of the horrors of the Judgement Day (verses 106,107,108,109). It comprises two sections.Chapter Seven: The reason of this nation's goodness (verses 110,111,112). It comprises three sections,each includes three topics: Explanation by narration, explanation by knowledge ,and explanation in general. The Results: Among the most important of which are: Our honorable scholars have exerted great efforts in this science, which are reflected in the care given for the explanation of the Book of Allah, as shown in the the Islamic library with its glorious heritage of diversified tafseer reference books.The disagreement among the commentators is mostly one of diversity.My recommendation to the students is to join and contribute to this blessed project And blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and .his family and companions 
Supervisor : Dr.Kareemah Almazodi 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1437 AH
2015 AD
Number Of Pages : 276 
Added Date : Sunday, July 28, 2019 


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بدرة صقر الغامديAl-Ghamd, Badrah SagrInvestigatorMaster 


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